Aker Capital

Aker Capital

Aker Capital

Digital Asset Secured. Growth Potential Unleashed.


Preserving the integrity of your assets is our top priority, with robust safeguards in place for your peace of mind.

amplifying returns

Our focused approach and calculated risk management enable us to consistently amplify returns and optimize your investment portfolio.

Unmatched Expertise

Our unmatched expertise combines bold investment strategies for superior returns with unwavering compliance, providing a solid foundation for your investments.


Preserving the integrity of your assets is our top priority, with robust safeguards in place for your peace of mind.

amplifying returns

Our focused approach and calculated risk management enable us to consistently amplify returns and optimize your investment portfolio.

Unmatched Expertise

Our unmatched expertise combines bold investment strategies for superior returns with unwavering compliance, providing a solid foundation for your investments.

Aker Capital

Aker Capital is a dynamic venture and quant trading fund, employing a discretionary long-short strategy to navigate the digital asset market with agility and insight. 

We aim to capture the upside of both primary market investments and secondary market trading. Leveraging our expertise, we identify promising opportunities for growth while skillfully managing risk, making strategic investments that drive sustainable success for our portfolio.

Aker Capital

Aker Asset Management

Drawing on our proven track record, we extend a compelling opportunity to investors through Aker GPV, a vehicle that ensures fixed returns. By assuming all associated risks ourselves, we enable our investors to confidently engage in secure investments. 

By allocating funds to fixed-income Aker GPV, our investors enjoy a consistent stream of interest income over the bond's lifespan, effectively mitigating overall risk within their investment portfolios.

Aker GPV presented by Aker Asset Management

When tradition meets technology

Aker GPV is a secure fix-income product that entails our commitment to pay investors a predetermined fixed return at scheduled intervals and repay the principal subscription amount upon maturity.

Investors can receive their coupon payments every quarter through a secure process facilitated by the Payment agent. Additionally, we ensure the return of the subscription amount to investors upon maturity, offering a high level of security, even in a volatile market environment.

How we manage risks

  • Rigorous Risk Assessment

    We diligently conduct comprehensive risk assessments to identify and analyze potential risks associated with various digital assets. This includes evaluating market volatility, regulatory compliance, cybersecurity threats, and other factors that could impact investment performance.

  • Diversification Strategy

    To manage clients' risks effectively, the fund employs a well-defined diversification strategy. By spreading investments across different digital assets, sectors, and geographic regions, the fund aims to reduce exposure to any single asset or market, thereby mitigating the impact of potential losses. 

  • Compliance and Regulatory Adherence

    Managing clients' risks entails strict adherence to regulatory requirements and industry best practices. The fund ensures compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and guidelines to safeguard client investments and maintain transparency. This includes implementing robust Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) procedures, as well as adhering to data privacy and security standards.

  • Robust Due Diligence

    The digital asset management fund conducts thorough due diligence on potential investments, assessing the financial health, team expertise, technological infrastructure, and regulatory compliance of the digital assets or projects. This comprehensive evaluation helps identify and mitigate potential risks before making investment decisions.

  • Active Risk Monitoring

    The fund employs a proactive approach to monitor risks continuously. Through real-time monitoring of market conditions, price fluctuations, and relevant news and events, the fund can promptly identify and respond to potential risks or market downturns. This active risk monitoring allows for timely adjustments to investment strategies and risk mitigation measures.

  • Risk Mitigation Strategies

    The fund develops and implements risk mitigation strategies tailored to the digital asset market. These strategies may include hedging techniques, portfolio diversification, position sizing, stop-loss orders, and other risk management tools. By employing these strategies, the fund aims to minimize downside risks and protect client capital during periods of market volatility or adverse events.

  • Ongoing Research and Analysis

    The fund maintains a dedicated research and analysis team that continuously evaluates market trends, emerging technologies, regulatory developments, and investor sentiment within the digital asset space. This ongoing research and analysis enable the fund to stay ahead of potential risks, identify opportunities, and make informed investment decisions on behalf of clients.

Aker Ventures

At Aker Ventures, we leverage the analytical rigor of venture funds and augment it with the adaptive versatility of traditional hedge funds. Our approach emphasizes meticulous analysis of valuation and crypto-specific fundamentals, cultivating an environment where robust debate is encouraged and insights are sharpened. With a dedicated investment team, we generate a steady stream of investment ideas that undergo thorough dissection, discussion, tracking, and evaluation to ensure optimal decision-making and maximize potential returns.

We proudly back early stage businesses at the forefront of developing blockchain-enabled solutions, with a particular focus on subverticals encompassing payment services, securities, play/build-and-own games, and generative AI. Our unwavering commitment lies in identifying and supporting applications with tangible and monetizable use cases, shaping the future of the digital economy.

Why Choose Us?

  • 100% Profitable Track Record

    Our founders boast an impressive track record of consistently generating profits across all their investments. Our investment strategy is meticulously targeted towards identifying and capitalizing on winning opportunities, eschewing the notion of a scattered approach commonly referred to as "spray and pray."

  • Proprietary Bulletproof Strategy

    The Bulletproof team serves as an integral in-house management consultancy for Aker Capital, specializing in compliance, risk management, and overall business optimization. With a targeted focus on preparing companies for immediate listing, the team ensures comprehensive adherence to regulatory requirements, conducts robust risk assessments, and provides professional advice to enhance performance and efficiency. By leveraging their expertise, the Bulletproof team equips portfolio companies with the necessary groundwork to be market-ready from the onset, safeguarding the fund's investments and optimizing potential returns, while driving organizational transformation and sustainable growth.

  • Fully capturing upside returns while protecting downside risks

    Our proprietary approach, coupled with our highly skilled Bulletproof Team and rigorous vetting process, ensures that portfolio companies are fully prepared for listing from day one. With a meticulous focus on regulatory compliance, we guide and support them every step of the way in obtaining the necessary licenses, mitigating any regulatory risks that may arise.

  • In-depth macro and micro market analysis

    In-depth macro and micro market analysis is a crucial component of a digital asset fund's investment strategy. Macro analysis involves assessing global economic trends, regulatory developments, and geopolitical factors that can influence the overall digital asset market. On the other hand, micro analysis delves into specific digital assets, evaluating their underlying technology, market dynamics, competitive landscape, and potential for growth or disruption. By conducting thorough macro and micro market analysis, we gain valuable insights to make informed investment decisions, identify opportunities, and manage risks effectively.

  • Private deals with fundamental strategy

    Private deals with a fundamental strategy form a key aspect of a digital asset fund's investment approach. This strategy involves seeking out investment opportunities in privately held digital assets or early-stage projects that demonstrate strong fundamentals and growth potential. By participating in private deals, the fund can access exclusive opportunities and potentially capitalize on substantial returns before these assets become widely available on public markets. Through careful evaluation of the project's technology, team expertise, market positioning, and long-term viability, the fund aims to identify promising investments and position itself for strategic advantages in the digital asset ecosystem.

  • Events Driven Strategy

    The events-driven strategy is a highly impactful yet often overlooked approach within the tradable token space. It revolves around closely monitoring and leveraging major events such as exchange listings, protocol forks, product launches, management changes, and regulatory shifts. Aker Capital excels in this domain, benefiting from unparalleled access to company founders, blockchain experts, ecosystem participants, and financial regulators, enabling us to make informed investment decisions and maximize opportunities in the dynamic digital asset market.

  • In-House Performance Coach to unlock peak performance for the fund and portfolio companies’ founders

    Our in-house performance coach provides specialized coaching and guidance to enhance the performance and productivity of individuals within the fund and also the founders of our portfolio companies. They work closely with portfolio managers, traders, and founders to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. By providing personalized guidance and support, the performance coach helps individuals navigate the dynamic digital asset landscape, manage stress, make informed decisions, and achieve their full potential. Through ongoing coaching, feedback, and training, the performance coach fosters a culture of continuous improvement, unlocking the collective potential of the team and driving success in the fast-paced world of digital assets.


Investors benefit by preserving their invested capital, enabled via the buyback guarantee of the Aker GPV product.


Quarterly returns of 2.5-4.5% paid out periodically.


Quarterly NAV Reports sent periodically in addition to annually audited financial reports.


Profit Redemption at 100% of its par value by Aker GPV, at the end of the subscription tenure maturity period.

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